What Is the Difference Between Watts and Lumens?

We accept some things in life without considering how they work. Light bulbs are certainly one of those items. As far as we know, we screw and unscrew lights into a socket and receive light, thanks to Thomas Edison. Similarly, we know that light bulbs have watts and lumens associated with them, but which should we pay attention to?

Understanding Watts

While people sometimes use the two terms interchangeably, there is a distinct difference between watts and lumens. The wattage of a bulb is the necessary power needed to provide a light. Higher-wattage bulbs will produce much brighter illumination at the expense of more energy consumption.

Throughout the years, we have seen massive improvements in lighting options. At the time, metal halide, fluorescent, and sodium bulbs were cutting-edge. However, you must consider several environmental factors regarding these older options.

Although they emit more light, metal halide, low-pressure sodium, and high-pressure sodium bulbs often have significantly greater wattages and use more energy than their compact fluorescent and light-emitting diode (LED) equivalents.

Why Lumens Matter

Choosing bulbs based on watts was the norm, but that’s no longer true. Now, shopping for lights according to their lumen output is more practical.

Consider the desired illumination level and look for bulbs based on lumens rather than wattage. A direct correlation exists between the lumens a lightbulb emits and its overall brightness. Therefore, you should consider lumens, not watts, while shopping for light bulbs.

Reading the Box

Everyone should be familiar with the information on light bulb packaging that looks like the nutritional label we see on our food. On this label, you will find the answers to all your questions regarding the light you want to use.

The label provides useful information to customers, such as its intensity, annual energy savings, expected lifespan, and appearance, as gauged by CCT on the Kelvin (K) scale, which runs from warm to cold.

A wattage rating on your home’s fixtures will indicate how much power they can safely handle. You may want to upgrade to a bulb with more lumens while still using the maximum permissible watts if the bulb is energy-efficient but you want more light.

Learning the difference between watts and lumens helps you find the correct lighting option for every room in your home. No longer will you have to settle for light bulbs that waste more energy than the light they produce.

Stylighting is proud to provide top-tier, high-lumen LED filament bulbs that are perfect for your residence or business. Let us know if you need help homing in on the best bulbs, and we’ll show you the way!

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